Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Do you have any idea how fun crayons are?! Tonight, Lisa and I have done the coolest art project you have ever done with crayons! It is simple and fun and only makes a mess if you want it to.

Here is what you need:

-Blank Canvas
-Box of 64 Crayons
-Box of basic 8 Crayons
-Hair Dryer
-Hot Glue Gun

 Next, take all of the black and browns (and any other gross color you don't want!)

 Proceed to sorting Crayons into rainbow order and hot glue at top of canvas.

NOW. Here's the FUN part!!!!!

Get your hair dryer, and start melting the crayons!

You can drip the the consistency of your hearts desire!

Take a finishing your picture,

And mount on your wall!!!!