Last Sunday my dad sent me a running schedule to get me ready for Ragnar in June. This week, everyday I am scheduled to run a mile. Now. I live in Logan. Not only do I live in Logan, I live very close to campus. As some of you may know Utah State University is set atop a very high hill, and the surrounding area is also set on hills. My apartment also shares this fate.
This is the first two blocks of my mile.
Now, you cant really tell, but is is a vice nice downhill run, or walk if you are a student just headed home for the day.
The rest of my run does a little wavy thing I go up slightly then back down slightly, then turn around and do that same spot on my way back. That's when I come back to my first my first two blocks. But with a different perspective. I now have to run up that very nice downhill.
Right where there is no more road, just tree, that is where I have to get! All week I have been struggling with this stupid hill! I have not been able to make it half way up the first block let alone the whole thing! This hill is something my dad would call "Relatively Flat"
MY EYE! This hill is nowhere close to flat. Relative or not. By the time I get up to the top, I am about to pop a lung, and I am breathing so hard its like I am never going to breathe again and so I am trying to get as much oxygen as I can.
BUT. On Wednesday I had a revelation. Ever since I started running, I have always prided myself on keeping my head up while I run. I never look at my feet. I like to see my next goal in my run. For example: "If I can just make it to that street sign I will be good." Then, "If I can make it to that corner I can see home" That kind of thing has always helped me keep going and not stop.
On Wednesday though, I thought, "Maybe if I am not looking to the top of the hill I will be able to make it farther" So I tried it. And it worked! I still didn't make it up the hill, but I was able to run for a longer amount of time.
Yesterday was an off day, so I didn't get to try my new revelation.
TODAY. I slept an extra half hour, when I dressed for my run I looked outside, and guess what I saw? THE SUN! That's right! I ran my 3/4 of a mile and then got back to that hill, and guess what!
I made it halfway up that "relatively flat" hill without stopping!!! And I was able to gain enough oxygen to run up the last quarter and then down 100 ft to my apartment! I am now done with my "stupid" mile for the day!
I know. You're impressed. ;p